
Monday 23 April 2012

People Who Help Us

So when we covered the topic of people who help us, we were nearing the end of term and with all that goes on at these times of the year, we didn't get a lot of our theme covered! Here are some things we did get through however!

Geography: We sang the song 'People in my Town' and watched the video, using this resource to test the children on their knowledge of the various occupations and also to give them the vocabulary they would need to discuss people who help us.
We then checked in our mystery bag to see what had been left for us. We found lots of things like a spanner,  an injection, a stethoscope, a whiteboard marker, a letter, a menu, a scissors, pictures of a hose, a judge's hammer, a suit, a space shuttle and various other things. We tried to guess who left these things for us (what their job is) and talked about where they work. We also mimed various jobs and got the class to guess what job we were doing giving a hint of the place we work at if it proved too tricky! We also matched the people to the place they work in this worksheet I created:

Music: We sang the song 'What Shall We Do In Work Today?' (The Right Note Senior Infants) as a call and response song with one half of the class asking the question and the other half answering it. Each group got a verse to perform (e.g. one group were painters, the other plumbers etc) and they picked an instrument to portray their occupation and accompany their singing.

English: We learned the poem: 5 Strong Policemen:

"Five strong policemen standing by a store,
One became a traffic warden and then there were four.
Four strong policemen watching over me,One took home a lost boy and then there were three.
Three strong policemen dressed all in blue, One stopped a speeding car and then there were two.
Two strong policemen how fast they can run, One caught a bad man and then there was one.
One strong policeman saw some smoke one day, He called the firemen who put out the fire right away."

Creative Writing: We drew a picture of what we want to be when we grow up and wrote about this including where we would work and why we would want to be doing this job.

Oral Language: We discussed the various occupations and played matching games featured on .

History: We tried out this lesson based around the story of Sleeping Beauty and discussed how in reality things and people change with age. It also centers around developing an appreciation of older people and the fact that older people are not that different to younger people:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elaine! This is a very broad theme so don't be afraid to think outside the box! I would probably use one about a farmer as most schools have these kind of farm themed big books lying around! Have you thought of: ? I know that it isn't about a 'person' but it does cover the theme of the importance of appreciating the people who help us in our lives in a child friendly way. I could see this integrating well with history and S.P.H.E. as well.
    Hope this helps a little! Let me know how you get on!
