
Monday 25 August 2014

A Little Update For You All!

Some of you may have noticed that it has been pretty quiet on the posting front lately so I wanted to update you with what's going on behind the computer screen!

The first thing is that I am phasing out this blog and starting up a new one which I have been working on over the summer. Turns out, it's one of those things that can sit nicely on the long finger for quite a while! I've been meaning to start it up since this time last year, however I've finally decided to take the bull by the horns and 'launch' it, while working on the final touch ups as I go. (Believe me, the perfectionist in me is not entirely happy with this but at the same time, the start of the year is as good a time as any to start afresh!)
The reason behind starting this new blog is that I am no longer teaching in an infant class and while I had a good amount of material and ideas to keep me going for the past year, I'm starting to miss the excitement of sharing what's actually going on RIGHT NOW in my classroom.

This new blog is going to be somewhere for me to write about projects and lessons I have undertaken with a variety of different class levels over the years and also general classroom management/topical posts similar to that which you have seen me write about in this blog. The style of posting will be the same as 'Senior Infant Adventures' and I will be hoping to put up lots more thematic units because I know people have found that format of post very useful in the past! Also, to all those who have recently followed me on Facebook/Twitter and are starting with Senior Infants this year, don't worry, all older posts will be put up over time on this new blog. I still have a few great lesson ideas to share in the future also in relation to infants, so keep an eye on that too!

That brings me to another project I will be undertaking over the next few months. I'm involved in implementing the Aistear Curriculum in a preschool setting at the moment and I'm hoping to share some ideas/plans/resources/experiences that we come up with along the way over the next while, on my new blog. I think this is really topical at the moment for infant teachers and I'd love to know if many of you out there would find it useful!

Overall, exciting times ahead and please, please, PLEASE check out my new blog so you don't miss out on any new posts! You can follow it on Facebook here (apologies for the lack of content so far!) or keep an eye out for the Twitter page that will appearing soon!
Thanks everyone!